Observations from Latitude 45

Rambling from an odd mind.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Well why the hell not..

Ever since I can remember I've had these vague streams of consciousness and thought it would be fun to share them or at least write them down as some sort of therapy. I never have mostly becuase there hasn't been an easy, or should I say, consistent means to record these little trivial bits. Yes, I must be too lazy to create a folder in Windows and then use Word.

But now, with this blog technology (God I feel like I've become a whore) all that is precious to the still soft part of my mind can be recorded and in my own narsistic mind shared and read by the world..

Why is it that I am able to create a different sort of prose when there is even the slightest glimmer and hope that someone might read it.. Whay do I all of a sudden feel like I am a talented writer when Fred from Oklahoma or Ellen from San Fransisco might possibly, accidentally stumble onto my internal ramblings...

This feels like enough for now.. So I'll stop..


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