Observations from Latitude 45

Rambling from an odd mind.

Friday, October 27, 2006

700 miles of stupidity

Stories surrounding the wise man Solomon are always of the variety that get me excited about the potential in humans. There is one story in particular is based on two women coming to the wise sage claiming to be the mother of the same child. In a day when lesbian adoption (why could I not have fallen into that category) was not prevalent Solomon declared that the child would be torn in half and the two women would split the child. One woman wailed and the other showed the same indifference as Jeffrey Skilling during opening arguments. Solomon declared the wailer the mother and was no doubt correct.

Where is this type of wisdom today.. Particularly in our elected government? Where? Politics and wisdom go together about as well as capitalism and environmentalism. They really don’t seem to be able to exist on the same playing field. There seems to be some sort of natural law that prevents the two from occupying the decision-making part of the mind at the same time..

The latest case in point in this politically run country of ours was the signing of bill yesterday mandating a 700 mile wall between us and Mexico..

I read this on a website that used to take pride in providing news to people but has become another FOX type entertainment whore.. You know the one I’m talking about.. CNN.com

There it was, “Bush signs bill to build 700 mile fence”. I thought to myself, “Is this April 1 and some clever editor is slipping in a prankster article”..No… “Perhaps a hacker has re-written several bogus articles and slipped them onto the CNN.com website. That would be neat”.. No..

Please dear God let this be a mistake. Please let me have read “Bush laughs at bill to build 700 mile fence” which would still be a scary thought since that would mean it made it though the house and senate at that point. Perhaps it read “5 year old boy draws cartoon of 700 mile fence between Mexico and America with little stick children playing on it”. Because if a fence were built it should be used for this purpose and this purpose alone..

Building this is so terribly wrong on so many reasons. This plan has all the creativity of the plotline of an ABC after-school special.

The list of why the wall is bad is as long as Martha Stewart’s grocery list the day after she was released.

The concept that we should be evolving into a world where we tear walls down and not build them should be the first thing that pops into every American’s mind regarding this wall.. Every major conflict on this planet right now is based on people taking steps to further divide themselves from others. Strengthening one’s faction by building a fence adds to the separation of people. It scares the hell out of me when we need to look to Germany (with a Pink Floyd twist) for guidance. “Tear down the wall”.

And if this ‘evolving notion’ escapes people then the stupidity of the fence can easily be based on one very simple notion. One very simple concept that every human and animal on earth will understand. The fence won’t work. We are not talking about building some impenetrable wall here. We are not talking about borrowing the Great Wall plans from the Chinese and erecting something that can be seen by satellites (and I’m talking about the 1975 Kremlin spy satellites but the modern day CIA paparazzi variety). This is exactly as it is called.. A fence.

Here’s where our politically driven leaders should do perform a small trial. Build a 100 foot section of the fence and put it in a room with 5 people. Give them all the resources available to Mexico (natural and mand-made). Give them 100 years of desperation and poverty. Give them hunger and take away their hope. Now tell them to come up with a way to get the other side of the fence where relative prosperity exists. I guarantee you that within 10 nano-seconds they will have more options than American consumers do in how they ingest fat, I mean cholesterol, I mean TFA’s (I still don’t get it). The proposd fence is short. They can go over it. The fence will have all the robustness of an American designed-Korea reverse engineered-Chinese built toy. They’ll go through it. These folks have been building tunnels with the same efficiency as xxxxxxxxx. They’ll go under it.. And last time I checked, the border was over 1000 miles long.. Math may be tricky friends but even I know that 700 is less than 1000. They’ll go around it.

The irony that the fence is going to be built primarily by the people that we are trying to keep out smells about as good as my catalytic converter after chargi up a steep grad on a hot day towing a heavy boat. Imagine the articles when Halliburton (who I’m sure will get the contract) gets caught with illegal aliens, excuse me, non-documented foreign nationals working on the Fisher Price designed fence.

This small hurdle to get to America is going to wind up representing everything that we should be trying to evolve away from. There will be an elite few that get grossly rich from it’s construction since the down payment has already been set at $1.2 billion dollars. There will be a middle class of Chinese-built-equipment operators that used to make a decent wage but no longer since their wage has been diluted for 15 years by this mess. The cost over-runs will be immense. The time-lines will be laughable and missed by years.

Is the pouring of Mexican’s into America an issue. Absolutely. Do we need to solve this dilemma? Absolutely. Are there options? Absolutely. The last good idea I had was about four years ago yet I sit here and in 5 miutes have four or five ways to solve the problem. They may suck. But if I can come up with bad options in five minutes then there is hope.

Passing and signing this bill through our republican government 10 days before elections is such an amazingly transparent pander to an economically scared America that it would embarrass our forefathers.

What would Geroge Washington do in this case? Or Lincoln? Or Benjamin Franklin? Let’s try and find a Solomon-like voice in this manner. Whether it be from the men of this country’s past, spiritual leaders with vision or university students brimming with idealism and creativity. This is a problem that will stem from the glorious parts of the mind that bring us creativity and original thought. Not the part of the mind that gets people elected. Please keep the politicians out of it.


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